CVE-2023-32707: A Dive into Splunk Vulnerability

James McGill
CVE-2023-32707: A Dive into Splunk Vulnerability
In recent times, a security loophole has surfaced in Splunk, a prominent software used for searching, monitoring, and analyzing machine-generated big data. The vulnerability allows a low-privileged user, with an
role, to escalate their privileges to an admin level by crafting specific web requests. This not only exposes sensitive data but also opens doors for unauthorized control over the system.Experts have flagged versions of Splunk Enterprise below 9.0.5, 8.2.11, and 8.1.14 as susceptible. The exploit works by manipulating the
capability, enabling a malicious actor to change another user’s password, effectively hijacking that account. A script provided as proof of concept demonstrates the simplicity yet the significant impact of the exploit.

Solutions and Mitigations

Users are urged to upgrade to Splunk Enterprise versions 9.0.5, 8.2.11, 8.1.14, or higher. For Splunk Cloud Platform, patches are being actively applied and monitored by Splunk. Additionally, ensuring that the
capability is only assigned to the admin role or its equivalent can serve as a mitigation measure​​.



Affected Versions

Fixed Version

Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Web

8.1.0 to 8.1.13


Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Web

8.2.0 to 8.2.10


Splunk Enterprise

Splunk Web

9.0.0 to 9.0.4


Splunk Cloud Platform

Splunk Web

9.0.2303 and below



Disclaimer: The code snippet provided is for educational purposes only. Misuse of this information for illegal activities is strictly prohibited.

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